Great news!

The drought is over! I’m finally getting new models to review 😁! I got word from my trusted dealer that some models that I had pre-ordered last year (!) will arrive this week. So I’ll finally have new stuff to show. Besides, I just scored a nice Bang locally last week. The review is done and I already made all the photos, so it’s ready to go. HOWEVER, I’m having what I think is DNS issues at home, so I first need to sort that out before I can upload anything 😣. The problem is waaaay beyond my mediocre computer knowledge, so I’ll need outside help. Yet, I think that in a couple of days I’ll get it sorted.

Or, I fervently hope…

Race report: my time at the 6 Hours of São Paulo

It took a while, yet I finally finished my race report. There were a lot of photos to edit, which unfortunately, most were too crappy to use. In my humble opinion, cell phones are made to make phone calls, not great photos 😣. Either I’m right or too old to learn otherwise, the fact is that I need a reflex camera to make decent shots. Nonetheless, I managed a few (half) decent ones, and they are now ready to show. I also did a write-up on our whole experience, without being too boring (or trying to, at least). So if you wanna see some photos of the race or read about how it felt like, click HERE.

WEC is awesome!

What a blast! Honestly, one of the best three days I ever had! Expensive, yet totally worth it. Got back home this morning, and I’m currently editing my photos. I took a LOT of photos, and perhaps the one above is the one I liked the most. Pity the 9X8 underperformed (again!)… Nonetheless, since new models to review became kind of scarce around here (🙄), my idea is to write an article on the race where I’ll show the best shots.

And let’s start positive thinking for Spark to release at least a few of the those cars in 1:43… 🤞🤞🤞