I know it sounds weird, but yes, a metal can rot. Literally fall to pieces. The process is not exactly rare and it’s something that can happen to diecast models. It will occur with time and there’s NOTHING you can do about it. This phenomenon is popularly known as zamac rot and unfortunately it can happen to some models.
Ever been through this? You find a nice model for a good price. A model that you wanted and that’s not exactly common. The price is (very!) good and when you ask the seller, he says that the model is “in perfect conditions” – a true collector’s item. And since the seller has good feedback you hit the BIN button.
Well, that story did not have a happy ending when I got the model 😡. In the end, however, I think I came out on top. How? Read here.
Once in a while (not often enough, in my opinion) I review an “art car”. In fact, I even started designating them with an emoticon in the car lists. But what exactly is an art car? A car immortalized in a famous painting? Or something Uber sends you if you say you’re attending a vernissage?
Not exactly. But if you have five minutes you can find out here.
NO, no, no, not me. I usually think twice before talking trash, specially if what I say can be saved for later. After all, who likes to taste the humble pie?
The project in question took me about a week to get done, between getting the materials and the actual work. And I have to say the end result was pretty neat, to the point that I had to make a second one for myself. But as you see above, even not knowing what it was, the ogre was (as always) talking trash.
When you don’t keep your mouth shut, there’s a possibility that you will have to eat the proverbial crow. So this delicacy goes to a stubborn ogre friend that still hasn’t realized that sometimes it’s best to keep your mouth shut.
Feet, beak AND feathers. I’m sure he will let me know how it tasted.
Oh well, let’s see if the bonehead learned the lesson… And more importantly, enjoys the Christmas present 🙂
I had the CMR version of the Hippie Porsche, and specially after getting the missing Martini decals, I was happy with it. Well, the decal job was NOT stellar, but I was happy with the model. Last month I came upon the Minichamps version of the car, and a Minichamps is always better than a CMR… Right?
This was a new record for me: just three months between me buying a model and getting the upgrade. Well, in my defense, I had no idea the upgrade was coming out at the time. And for the money I have to say model-wise this was not a fantastic upgrade.
With all hobbies, sometimes real life gets in the way. This time for me, it was display space. I was running out of space so I needed new cabinets. But sometimes things get complicated…
You know the saying “what goes around comes around”? Well, I always believed in that. In every aspect of life, we’re subject to that law. In bigger or smaller proportions, karma is always there. And with this hobby it’s no different.
If you want to read a tale about karma, bicycle records, true friends and unicorns, click HERE.